We all face difficulties in expressing our thoughts. Here are a few pointers which will help a person to write great articles in just 30 mins.
Step 1: Define the headline
When you write the articles ask yourself 3 questions:
- Are you saying something new?
- Are you saying something old but in a new way?
- Are you saying something which will help others to save time, money or effort?
If any of the answer is yes, then you got a nice topic. Next you need to define the headline. Few good characteristics of a good headline are as follows:
- Should be less than tweet length. Ideally it should be less than 15 words.
- Should communicate a single clear message
- Ask a question which is compelling in nature (Why peer recommendation works while selecting a technology?)
- Have a number in your headline (5 easy ways for CISO to build personal brand)
- Write how to blogs (How to select you application security testing vendor?)
(Read more: Checklist: How to choose between different types of Application Security Testing Technologies?)
Step 2: Write the subheads
After the headline is defined, write clearly the sub-heads of your blog. As an example for "5 easy ways for CISO to build a brand", the subheads are the ones which are marked in bold. In this blog the subheads are: Step 1: Define the headline; Step 2: Write the subheads etc
It is important that subheads are short and precise.
Step 3: Add content. (Short and sweet)
You can now write the introduction and the explanation for each of the subhead. You can also add some concluding remarks if essentials. The most important point is that people are busy, so shorter the better.
Few secrets to write blogs quickly
- Re-use what you wrote earlier in various forms like ppt, research papers etc
- Choose a topic about which you know well and not the ones that need research
- Tell something that you experienced personally
- Think for a few days during leisure and write during the weekend (or whenever you get time).
More: Want to share your insights? Click here to write an article at CISO Platform
Post Topic Ideas:
Example Post Topics (using below "topic" & "sub-topic help text"):
- How should a CISO choose technology & Solutions for SIEM?
- Top Resources for End Point Security
- What are the decision parameters / tips for choosing vendor in CASB
- Top 5 steps during the implementation of Deception Project
- Vendor Evaluation Checklist for Third Party Vendor Risk
- Which are the key drivers for adoption of DLP
- Compliance, regulations or standards that make TPRM mandatory
- Best Practices for IDS/IPS
- Current/Future trends in market for Application Security
- Which Cloud Security solution should you adopt and how should a CISO choose?
Topic Domains:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Application/Database Security
- BYOD Security
- Cloud Security
- DLP/Data Security
- DDOS / DOS Security
- Deception
- Encryption for Servers/Storage/Database
- End Point Security
- Identity and Access Management
- IT GRC Management tools
- Machine Learning & IOT
- Shadow IT & Digital Footprint
- Secure email/Web Gateway, Content Filtering/UTM
- Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
- Security Testing /Audit
- Strong Authentication
- Third Party Risk Management (TPRM)
- & more
Sub Topics & Help Text (for each "topic domain" above):
Sub Topic | Help Text |
Introduction | Brief description of the domain. Why do you need this solution? Which type of organization needs such solution? Which are the key drivers for adoption? Are there any compliance, regulations or standards that makes the solution mandatory? |
Technology & Solutions |
What technologies / solutions are available ? , Pros - Cons for each technology / Solutions , Which technology / solution should you adopt and how should a CISO choose? |
Market Scenario & Future Trend | Market Landscape / Forecast , Current/Future trends in market. |
How to choose a vendor? | How to define your requirement ? , What are the decision parameters / tips for choosing vendor ? , Questions to ask vendor for evaluating the offering/Vendor Evaluation Checklist , Top mistakes to avoid while selecting a vendor ? |
Implementation Guidelines |
How to implement ? Top 5 steps during the implementation of the project ? , What measures to be taken before and after implementation ? ,What are the challenges in integrating with existing information systems ? , Best practices for implementation . |
Case Study | Descriptive analysis of end to end solution implemented. (Company Background | Business Challenges | Attempt and Failures | How Solution was chosen ? | How was problem solved ? | Results ) . |
Top resources | Books, Top Online Resources, Forums / Communities. |