Sophisticated Attacks vs. Advanced Persistent Security

Sophisticated Attacks vs. Advanced Persistent Security

It appears that any successful attack these days is labeled, Sophisticated. The implication is that the attacks were unpreventable. The reality is very different. We dissect recent attacks, and then go through how they could have been prevented. Advanced Persistent Security principles are applied to demonstrate how even successful breaches can be contained to significantly reduce loss.


Araceli Gomes (@sleepdeficit); Ira Winkler (@irawinkler)

Subject Matter Expert-Intelligence and Investigations, Dell SecureWorks

Araceli Treu Gomes is Co-host of The Irari Report and serves as a Cybersecurity Strategist and Subject Matter Expert for Dell SecureWorks, counseling global organizations on preventing advanced attacks. Previously, she held technical and leadership positions, including Strategic Security Advisor for a Fortune 100 company, Engineering Director at a large defense contractor, Deputy CSO for a multinational financial services organization, and Chief Security and Privacy Officer at a major content delivery network. She designed early DDoS, extrusion prevention and network forensics tools for Internet backbone providers. She holds certifications in privacy and computer forensics, and serves on IEEE Cybersecurity SIGs and ISSA boards locally and nationally.

President, Secure Mentem

Ira Winkler, CISSP, is President of Secure Mentem and Co-host of The Irari Report. He is considered one of the world’s most influential security professionals, and has been named a “Modern Day James Bond” by the media. He did this by performing espionage simulations, where he physically and technically “broke into” some of the largest companies in the world, investigating crimes against them and telling them how to cost effectively protect their information and computer infrastructure. He assists organizations in developing cost effective security programs. He also won the Hall of Fame award from the ISSA, as well as several other prestigious industry awards. Most recently, CSO Magazine named him a CSO Compass Award winner as “The Awareness Crusader.”

Detailed Presentation

(Source: RSA USA 2016-San Francisco)


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