The five secrets of high performing CISO's

The five secrets of high performing CISO's (RSA Conference 2017)

The connected world is a dangerous place. CISOs must lead their companies to adopt safe business practices. How should you proceed? IANS reveals the secrets of high-performing CISOs by drilling into findings from CISO ImpactTM, a framework of best practices and diagnostic data gleaned from over 1000 organizations. Armed with strong guidance, CISOs can chart their own paths to leadership.

Detailed Presentation:

(Source: RSA USA 2017)


Phil Gardner (@PhilGardnerIANS), Stan Dolberg (@standolberg)

Having built IANS’ end-user research offering, Phil Gardner now oversees all strategic and operational decisions at IANS. Gardner began his career in security with seven years with the US Navy as a Strike Fighter Pilot and Ordnance Requirements Officer. After receiving a master’s in business administration from Harvard Business School, he joined Goldman, Sachs & Co. in mergers and acquisitions and later became an Associate with McKinsey & Company in Boston, MA. In 1996, Gardner became one of the founders of Provant, Inc., a publicly traded training company serving the Fortune 1000 and Federal Government. He left Provant in 2000 to launch IANS. Gardner is a graduate of Harvard Business School and Harvard College. He graduated at the top of his class in US Navy Flight School.

Stan Dolberg heads up the research team at IANS, an advisory services company focused exclusively on information security. Dolberg’s career spans research, strategy, consulting and marketing in technology, from hardware to software to services. He founded the management consultancy Carriage House Consulting, prior to which he served as Global Chief Research Officer at Forrester Research. Prior to Forrester, Dolberg held Senior Marketing Positions in systems and software companies, where he focused on introducing new products and services and penetrating new markets. Dolberg is an internationally collected Furniture Maker. He holds an undergraduate degree from Harvard College and an MBA from the Carroll School at Boston College.



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