The Human Exploitation Kill Chain

The Human Exploitation Kill Chain (RSA Conference 2017)

Whenever a user falls victim to a phishing or other social engineering attack, or makes an error, critics claim awareness efforts are useless. However, if a single user action can compromise an entire security program, the problem is the security program. This presentation will detail how technology, process and awareness should combine to stop human failings. Case studies will be presented.

Detailed presentation:

(Source: RSA USA 2017)


Ira Winkler

Ira Winkler, CISSP, is President of Secure Menem and Co-Host of the Irari Report. He is considered one of the world’s most influential security professionals and has been named a “Modern Day James Bond” by the media. He won the Hall of Fame award from ISSA, and most recently, CSO magazine named him a CSO Compass Award winner as “The Awareness Crusader.” Winkler has designed implemented, maintained and assessed awareness programs for decades, in organizations throughout most industries. He performed empirical research on the success of awareness efforts. His espionage simulations examine the success of security programs in general, and also provide a base of knowledge in responded to incidents, many involving human exploitation.



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