Threat Modeling Demystified

Threat Modeling Demystified (RSA Conference 2017)

Most organizations require threat models. The industry has recommended threat modeling for years. What holds us back? Master security architect, author and teacher Brook Schoenfield will take participants through a threat model experience based upon years of teaching. Expect a kick start. Practitioners will increase understanding. Experts will gain insight for teaching and programs.

Detailed Presentation :

(Source : RSA USA 2017)


Brook S.E.Schoenfield

Brook S.E. Schoenfield is the Author of Securing Systems: Applied Security Architecture and Threat Models(CRC Press, 2015). He is the Principal Architect for product security at Intel Security Group. He provides strategic technical leadership, training and mentoring for 75 security architects. He is a founding member of IEEE’s Center for Secure Design and is a featured security architect at the Bletchley Park Museum of Computing. He is the originator of Baseline Application Vulnerability Assessment (BAVA), Just Good Enough Risk Rating (JGERR), Architecture, Threats, Attack Surfaces, and Mitigations (ATASM) and developer-centric security. He contributed to Core Software Security (CRC Press, 2014), and co-authored “Avoiding the Top 10 Security Design Flaws” (IEEE, 2014).


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