Pointers for BCP evoking in distributed working environments - Forum - CISO Platform

Prior to COVID19 BCP when BCP/DR was evoked people had to work from home and deliver ?  Now Post COVID, many would work from home  what are the pointers for BCP evoking in distributed working environments. 

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  • 1) District wise, state wise, Seismic zone wise employee population analysis is important.

    2) Historical Situations arising due to power issues, internet issues, natural calamities and political issues to be collected and impact analysis to be done considering point number 1.

    3) Critical employees to be mapped for point 1.

    4) Values to be assigned and RPN to be arrived at. 

    5) Matrix to be created like ... If Political unrest happens at Place A then BCP will be enabled. If the same happens at Place X it will not be enabled. 


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