1. First thing IT should check is the remote working capability in case of Work From Home (WHF) is required 2. Segregate laptop and desktop users first. 3. Desktop users should be allowed for “use your own device” or company-owned or rented laptops 4. Deploy the endpoint monitoring agents and restrict the access as per the role, responsibility and company policies 5. Segregate and define productive applications 6. Check readiness of access of all critical application over on Web/VPN 7. Use messenger, file sharing, VC Meeting and screen sharing solution to avoid the travelling. (i.e. Team, Webex, GoTo Meeting, Skype etc.) 8. Use WhatsApp so that people get update for the quick task 9. Refer all organization email communications very seriously 10. Vendor, Buyers/Suppliers should also enable for digital platform like VC meeting and emails 11. Organizations must enable digital payment capability immediately if it is not there 12. Use Wifi/Data Card/Hot Spot for the network connectivity 13. To support above action items data Security and access management must be reviewed and validated by IT Team
14. Single source of information handled by HR & Corporate
15. Communication Team: Organization should have dedicated hotline/email id for emergency services (Employees can share their health condition and seek emergency support and care services) in case of any emergency
Hi, Yes,many orginazation has started work from home.you need to have VPN access which will take care of all security concerns with company provided laptop.no separate advisory required.
Check list for Work from Home:
1. First thing IT should check is the remote working capability in case of Work From Home (WHF) is required
2. Segregate laptop and desktop users first.
3. Desktop users should be allowed for “use your own device” or company-owned or rented laptops
4. Deploy the endpoint monitoring agents and restrict the access as per the role, responsibility and company policies
5. Segregate and define productive applications
6. Check readiness of access of all critical application over on Web/VPN
7. Use messenger, file sharing, VC Meeting and screen sharing solution to avoid the travelling. (i.e. Team, Webex, GoTo Meeting, Skype etc.)
8. Use WhatsApp so that people get update for the quick task
9. Refer all organization email communications very seriously
10. Vendor, Buyers/Suppliers should also enable for digital platform like VC meeting and emails
11. Organizations must enable digital payment capability immediately if it is not there
12. Use Wifi/Data Card/Hot Spot for the network connectivity
13. To support above action items data Security and access management must be reviewed and validated by IT Team
14. Single source of information handled by HR & Corporate
15. Communication Team: Organization should have dedicated hotline/email id for emergency services (Employees can share their health condition and seek emergency support and care services) in case of any emergency