
  • Integrating Logstash with Splunk to forward and analyze Kubernetes Logs:
    Basic Overview:
    1. Infra Logs are generated and pushed to a centralised server, from there it has to be forwarded.
    2. We can use logstash as a way to forward the logs (events) to Splunk.  (In this case Kubernetes logs)
    3. Filebeat, logstash, ElasticSearch, they are all in the flow of taking the  logs and persisting to a database.
    4. So we have many points of integration between these components and Splunk.
    Enabling HTTP Event Collector in Splunk:
    1. Before we configure logstash, we need to enable Splunk to receive HTTP Events.
    2. Follow this page to enable HTTP Event Collector (HEC) and generate a token
    Configure logstash to send events to Splunk:
          1.Run the following command to retrieve the logstash pipeline configuration:
                   kubectl get cm logstash-pipeline -n kube-system -o yaml > logstash-pipeline.yaml
           2. Now open the file logstash-pipeline.yaml with your favorite editor, as we need to update it with your Splunk token.
                   Search for the following section in the YAML file:

                      output {
                          elasticsearch {
                                    index => "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
                                   hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
                        }headers => ["Authorization", "Splunk <your token>"]

            3.  Add the following output in this section, replacing <your token> with the Splunk token generated in the previous step:

                         http {
                           http_method => "post"
                            url => "http://splunkenterprise:8088/services/collector/event/1.0"
                           headers => ["Authorization", "Splunk <your token>"]
                              mapping => {
                                 "event" => "%{log}"


    Deploy the new configuration:

          1. We are now ready to deploy the logstash pipeline configuration.

          2.  Run the following command to replace the current configuration:
                     kubectl replace cm logstash-pipeline -f logstash-pipeline.yaml

          3. Then we need to recycle the logstash Pod. Run the following command to find the existing Pod:
                    kubectl get po -n kube-system | grep logstash

          4. You will see an output like this, noticing the Pod ID:

                   patro:tmp edu$ kubectl get po -n kube-system | grep logstash
                   logstash-5c8c4954d9-gzkdt                                 1/1       Running            0          2h

    Now delete the Pod:

                  kubectl delete po -n kube-system <pod-id>

                Kubernetes will start a new Pod with the refreshed configuration (from the ConfigMap). You can see the output by running the following command:

                   kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get po -n kube-system | grep logstash | awk '{print $1}')
    Set up and use HTTP Event Collector in Splunk Web - Splunk Documentation
  • great does anyone offer alienvalut or log rhythm as service ?

  • low cost MSSP can be a good evaluate !

  • thanks daniel singh ! will RELEARN my info security basics as per your advise.

  • You might want to look at how each one is compared to: Metrices and dashboards, Ability to create custom dashboards, Real time updates, Compliance packages to aid in compliance reporting,log management,Event Detection, Analytics & Visualization, CISO's Incident dashboard,Alerts and notifications ... & more

    Here is a quick comparison of Splunk vs Alien Vault vs Logrhythm:Click Here for Comparisons

    Of course you could compare other 30+ vendors who offer similar solutions.

  • ELK Stack is a low cost option that works well.

  • Hi,

    I would suggest search around for Managed Detection & Response vendors. I don't want name a vendor but there are many around such as Alienvault, Arctic Wolf, Channel SOC etc.

    A SIEM tool (such as splunk) is big component of SOC capability. In itself, such a tool is only a technology piece but for an effective SOC, the other components - people (eg: 24x7 monitoring) and processes (eg: incident response) need to be defined as well. (consider all three - People/Process/Technology)

    Good luck!

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