Do you need a DLP? Here's a small list to check if your organization actually needs a DLP Solution:
- If your organization wants to protect itself against negative exposures and fines associated with data breaches?
- If your organization wants to comply with the various regulatory requirements and data protection laws?
- If you want to protect your organisation sensitive data against insider attack?
- If you want to find out where your organisation sensitive data is being stored?
- If you want to find out who is accessing your organisation sensitive data?
- If you want to find out where your organisation sensitive data is being sent?
- If your company has subscribed to cloud services and you are uncertain about the level of protection for your company’s sensitive data?
- If your organisation is associated with third party service providers who manage appliactions, systems and network and you want to monitor them?
- If you want to centrally govern the entire lifecycle of sensitive data in your organisation?
- If you want to optimize the incident response process in case of any data breach?