According to latest Threat Intelligence, 80% of the times, Ransomware gets initial access using Top 3 Attack Vectors:
1. Exploiting Vulnerabilities
2. Shadow IT & Stolen Credentials
3. Various Variants Of Phishing Attacks
This webinar covers 6 most critical and ransomware weaponized CVEs published in the last 3 months and how CISOs can identify them and immediately decrease the chance of Ransomware by 26%.

Key Discussion Points : 

  • Key Insights on Reducing Ransomware Risk by 26% 
  • Top 6 CVEs in last 3 months tracked by FireCompass Research Team
  • Key Recommendations and Best Practices
  • Know the 3 Weaknesses which leads to 80% Ransomwares


About Speaker

Jitendra Chauhan, Head of Research at FireCompass. Jitendra holds multiple patents in Information Security and has 18+ years of experience in key areas such as Building and Managing Highly Scalable Platforms, Red Teaming, Penetration Testing and SIEM.


(Webinar) Recorded



Discussion Highlights

1. 3 Weaknesses leads to 80% Ransomewares















2. Attackers Capability to scan internet in few days

One of the typical automation, without any human intervention is following

  • Scan for targets on mass scale
  • Profile the targets using custom crawlers or fingerprinting techniques
  • Detect CVEs based on technology, or banner
  • Attempt exploitation
  • Attempt persistence


3. Ransomewares runs on Global Attack SurfaceRansomewares%20runs%20on%20Global%20Attack%20Surface.png?profile=RESIZE_710xRansomewares%20runs%20on%20Global%20Attack%20Surface%20(1).png?profile=RESIZE_710x


4.  CVE Prioritized in April by Firecompass



5. Possible Recommendations

  • Threat Intel + Pentesting on Daily Basis.
  • Combine ASM + Threat Intel + Vulnerability Management.
  • Firecompass Day 1 CVE + Threat Exposure Alerts


6. Ransomewares targetted CVEs 



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