We are hosting a CISO community webinar on "exposure management for financial institutions to overcome resource limitations and regulatory reporting"

Join Bikash Barai (co-founder CISOPlatform Community & FireCompass) and Dave Lawy (Co-founder QunatumSmart and Senior Technology Executive), as they discuss how to overcome resource limitations and the manual burden of regulatory reporting for Financial Institutions. 

Learn how exposure management can help your Financial Institution navigate the ever-increasing regulatory burden.
Key Learning Points :  
  • How to Overcome Resource Limitations: automate and lighten your workload by providing continuous programmatic assurance
  • Discover, Prioritize & Proactively Reduce Cyber Risk: Discover your attack surface risks & prioritize the most important ones to help mitigate the risks faster
  • Security Posture Reports to Meet Regulatory Requirements: How to continually assess and provide automated reports on your security posture to meet regulatory requirements
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