April 17, 2015 – As a part of monthly updates Microsoft released security update MS15-034 which closes vulnerability in driver HTTP.sys which enables an attacker to execute arbitrary code on OS remotely.

This update has a critical status as almost every modern version of Microsoft operating systems (Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2) is vulnerable.

We think it is necessary to report about this kind of vulnerabilities due to the fact that a part of SAP products uses web server IIS for their work and as a result is also vulnerable to this issue.

ERPScan warns SAP Clients about serious vulnerabilities in Microsoft affecting Afaria and other products

At the least the following components and SAP modules could be threatened:

  • SAP Afaria
  • SAP Content Server
  • SAP DB Web Tools.

To compromise a system an attacker just have to send a specially generated HTTP-request to a vulnerable server.

The vulnerability is an improper processing of HTTP header "Range" in function HTTP! UlpParseRange. It allows an attacker to use the vulnerability of an integer overflow to execute arbitrary code in the OS.

To secure your systems you must install Microsoft security update.

To check whether your systems are vulnerable, you can use the following script.

As our mission is to close the gap between technical and business security, we constantly monitor the important news about the security of business applications so that our customers are always warned about the latest facts in this sphere.

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