As mobile gains more capabilities and access to company data, mobile devices continue to play an important role in how workers do their jobs. Information workers are no longer tied to their PCs — smartphones, tablets, and laptops give them the flexibility to choose the device that best suits the context of each task performed. The internet of things (IoT) 8669818273?profile=originalrepresents the next leap in business transformation, changing how enterprises sense, analyze, and control their connected worlds. Applying artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, such as cognitive computing and machine learning, to the analysis of all the new data created in such a paradigm is not only transformational but required as the device count (and complexity) rises. 

Forrester Consulting evaluated the means by which enterprises are managing and securing various endpoint form factors today and how strategies will change over the next three years. In conducting an in-depth survey of 556 IT and security leaders in the US, the UK, Germany, India, and Australia, Forrester found that while enterprises have a decentralized approach to managing and securing smartphones, tablets, laptops, and IoT today, they will move to a more consolidated and cognitive approach by 2020.

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Key Points in This Report : 

  • The Impact Of Mobility, IOT & AI On The Future Of  Business Transformation in 2020
  • How consolidation plays a key role in bringing down TCO (Total cost of ownership)
  • How are organisations planning for Unified End point management for future

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