Kids Cyber Security

12744916082?profile=RESIZE_710xIn today's digital age, ensuring children's safety online has become more crucial than ever. At the forefront of this effort is the Kid Security Forum, dedicated to raising awareness about cybersecurity risks among schoolchildren nationwide. Through interactive sessions in schools across Chennai, Mumbai, and beyond, the forum educates young individuals on navigating the cyber world safely. Topics covered include privacy settings on social media, identifying online predators, handling cyberbullying, and the risks of sharing personal information. By fostering digital literacy and promoting open communication between children, parents, and teachers, the forum aims to mitigate vulnerabilities and empower the next generation to use the internet responsibly.

-by Suprakash Guha, Lumnina Datamatics

Executive Summary:

Introduction to Cyber Security Awareness

  • Importance of educating children about cyber security risks.
  • Commitment to society by visiting schools and colleges to raise awareness.
  • Focus on real-life examples to demonstrate cyber security risks to children.

Challenges Faced by Children

Inappropriate Content Exposure

  • Risks associated with children accessing inappropriate content online.
  • Use of artificial intelligence to flood children with irrelevant content.
  • Importance of setting parental controls and educating children about privacy settings.

Online Predators

  • Frequency of children receiving messages from online predators.
  • Teaching children to differentiate between real and fake messages.
  • Encouraging children to seek parental or teacher guidance when approached by strangers online.

Cyber Bullying

  • Instances of cyber bullying affecting children.
  • Emphasis on not internalizing negative comments received online.
  • Encouraging children to discuss instances of bullying with parents or teachers for support.

Identity Theft

  • Risks associated with sharing personal information online.
  • Examples of data collected unnecessarily by gaming apps.
  • Educating children about not sharing sensitive information online.

Excessive Screen Time

  • Concerns about children spending excessive time on digital devices.
  • Impact on eye health and mental well-being.
  • Implementing parental controls and setting time limits for device usage.

Lack of Digital Literacy

  • Importance of age-appropriate digital literacy education.
  • Involving parents and teachers in promoting digital literacy among children.
  • Staying informed about the latest online trends and potential risks.

Measures and Solutions

Parental Controls and Filters:

  • Installing software to restrict access to inappropriate content.
  • Monitoring children's online activities regularly.

Privacy Settings on Social Media:

  • Educating children about public, private, and open settings on platforms like Facebook.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating privacy settings.

Open Communication:

  • Encouraging children to discuss online challenges with parents or teachers.
  • Building trust to address cyber security concerns openly.

Education on Online Risks:

  • Teaching children about phishing scams and how to identify suspicious links.
  • Educating children on safe online gaming practices and avoiding in-app purchases.

Digital Literacy Programs:

  • Promoting digital literacy workshops for children and parents.
  • Involving communities in enhancing awareness about online safety.


  • Emphasis on the inevitability of residual risks despite educational efforts.
  • Commitment to reducing vulnerabilities among school children through continuous awareness and education efforts.
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