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Identity Access Management (IAM) is a set of business policies, framework and processes which ensures the right person has access to the right asset/resources. Identity Access Management solutions can deliver intangible benefits that are revenue incr

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To understand the differences between terms like cyber security and information security is important because many banking regulatory bodies like Reserve bank of India, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Monetary Authority of Singapore, etc. have asked ba

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This paper outlines industry best practices for building and maturing a security operations center (SOC). For those organizations planning to build a SOC or those organizations hoping to improve their existing SOC, this paper will outline the typical

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There are millions of pages on the internet however about 90% of the pages are not indexed by search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing ..etc. Which means only a tiny portion of the internet is accessible through search engines or standard means. Deep

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RSA conference is one of the leading security conference worldwide.  It creates a tremendous opportunity for vendors, users, and practitioners to innovate, educate and discuss around the current security landscape.This blog enlists the top IT GRC ve

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