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protection (7)

Accountability in Privacy Management

Today the privacy trends analyzed and issues that most of the organizations or service providers face across industries and geographies is one thing noticed as a common theme among the trends that have emerged is A

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We believe, isn't a single technology/solution but is a complex program which consists of people, process and technology. Sandboxing or any single technology can only provide partial protection against “real” advanced attacks. We suggest organizat

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Cyber-targeted attacks such as APTs are the primary cause of concern for any organization that holds data which can be of interest to attackers. The motivations are diverse and the attackers are highly sophisticated and relentless in their approach.

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Short of resources, but still want to have a strong IT-security ecosystem? There are multiple tools in the market specially for small to medium enterprises who can use these open source tools. Although, they can't match the capabilities as provided b

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