Do you have a fair-weather friend? Or two?
Fair weather friend (via Google)
OK, do you also have a fair-weather SOC?
This train of thought was inspired by reading pilot forums about how some training approaches lea
Do you have a fair-weather friend? Or two?
Fair weather friend (via Google)
OK, do you also have a fair-weather SOC?
This train of thought was inspired by reading pilot forums about how some training approaches lea
Learn Modern SOC and D&R practices for free from Google! Yes, really! That’s the message. Join *hundreds* of others who already signed up!
Now, with full details….
After some ungodly amount of work, the original ASO crew (but really Iman!) put toget
Mention “alert fatigue” to a SOC analyst. They would immediately recognize what you are talking about. Now, take your time machine to 2002. Find a SOC analyst (much fewer of those around, to be sure, but there are some!) and ask him about alert fati