The Cybersecurity Vault Podcast 2024 Recap - All Articles - CISO Platform

The Cybersecurity Vault Podcast 2024 Recap

The Cybersecurity Vault Podcast 2024 Recap

My deepest appreciation to all the incredible cybersecurity luminaries who joined The Cybersecurity Vault podcast last year! Your insights, expertise, and thought-provoking discussions made each episode invaluable for the audience and myself. I appreciate your time and dedication to advancing the industry!

The Cybersecurity Vault Podcast 2024 Recap:

  1. Ian Thornton Trump, CISO at Cyjax Limited - Loops and Angles of Cybersecurity Compliance
  2. Christine Bejerasco, CISO at WithSecure - Blaming Customers for Cybersecurity Breaches
  3. Malcolm Harkins, Chief Security & Trust Officer at HiddenLayer - Incident Materiality and Meeting New SEC Requirements
  4. Cassie Crossley, VP of Supply Chain Security at Schneider Electric - Best Practices in Securing 3rd Party Supply-Chain
  5. Justin Daniels, M&A and Tech Transactions Attorney at Baker Donelson - Digital Dilemmas: Legal and Social Landscape of Ransom Payments
  6. Lisa Forte, Partner at Red Goat Security - Hackers vs. Heroes: Cybersecurity Crisis Response Leadership Best Practices and Worst Fails
  7. Donna Kidwell, CISO at University of Arizona - Guardians of Academia: Battling Cyber Threats in Higher Education
  8. Ian Thornton Trump, CISO at Cyjax Limited - Ransomware: To Pay or Not to Pay?
  9. Ejona Preci, Principal Manager-Cybersecurity Risk at RISK NOW -  Reality of Cybersecurity Risks for AI
  10. Mikko Hypponen, Chief Research Officer at WithSecure - Rising Threat of Russia’s Cyber Warfare
  11. Chase Cunningham, VP of Security market Research at G2 - Cybersecurity is Adversarial – Our Failures are Attackers Opportunities
  12. Ira Winkler, CISO at CYE - CrowdStrike Global Outage: Unpacking the Fallout and Future
  13. Ian Thornton Trump, CISO at Cyjax Limited - Chaos in Cyber Regulations and Lawsuits
  14. Evgeniy Kharam, former VP Cybersecurity Architecture at Herjavec Group - Importance of Soft Skills in Cybersecurity
  15. Ian Thornton Trump, CISO at Inversion6 - The Cyber Frenemy of the West: Understanding China

Looking forward, I am excited for all the great guests and conversations we have lined up for 2025!

You can follow the Cybersecurity Insights channel here: https://www.youtube.com/CybersecurityInsights

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CISO and Cybersecurity Strategist

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