Top 10 Talks From Black Hat Conference USA, 2016 - All Articles - CISO Platform

Our editorial team has handpicked the best of the best talks at Black Hat Conference USA, 2016 - one of the largest IT Security Conferences in the world.

Black Hat conference is a security conference which brings together variety of security professionals and hackers to discuss on the current information security challenges and security landscape. The event is composed of two major sections, the Black Hat briefings and Black Hat trainings. Black Hat 2016 USA was held on July 30 - August 4, 2016 in Las Vegas, This year the talks were focused on security challenges in Internet of Things (IOT's), Enterprise Mobility solutions, Cloud security, Microsoft windows 10 and many more. (Source: Black Hat Conference USA, 2016)

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Index: Top Talks Handpicked by CISO Platform Editorial Team

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1) Internet Of Things(IOT) Talks

  1. Light bulb worm 

    Colin O'Flynn from  NewAE technologies shows the possibility spreading worms inside a smart home network through smart light bulbs. He shows that how some of the engineering trade-off and bad architecture can be exploited by any hacker.  In the case of Phillps hue smart lighting system the similar type bulb seems to use the same encryption key for the firmware images. If the attacker has access to the device firmware they can execute any malicious code into the network y simply flashing the devices. Also these simple devices have limited ability to identify the networks hence an attacker can find ways to cause devices  switch networks.

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  2. Into the core - In-depth exploration of windows 10 IOT core 

    This talk discuss on the internals of Windows 10 IOT core, Microsoft's operating system aimed at small footprint, low cost devices. Paul Sabanel, security researcher, IBM X-Force advance research draws similarity in Security features and mitigations with the Desktop edition OS.  Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Core attack surfaces, Its potential susceptibility to malware and methods to assess the security of devices running this OS is also discussed.

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2) Cloud security talks

  1. Account jumping, post infection persistency and lateral movement in AWS 

    The widespread adoption of AWS as an enterprise platform for storage, computing and services makes it a lucrative opportunity for the development of AWS focused APTs. This session covered several methods of infection including a new concept - "account jumping" for taking over both PaaS (e.g. ElasticBeans) and IaaS (EC2, EC2 Containers) resources, discussing poisoned AMIs, dirty account transfer, as well as leveraging S3 and CloudFront for performing AWS specific credentials thefts that can easily lead to full account access.

    The presenters then discussed the post-infection phase and how attackers can manipulate AWS resources (public endpoints like EC2 IPS, Elastic IPS, load balancers and more) for complete MITM attacks on services.

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  2. Hardening AWS environment and automating incidence response for AWS compromises

    The talk discussed the paradigm of Incident Response in the cloud and introduces tools to automate the collection of forensic evidence of a compromised host. It highlights the need to properly configure an AWS environment and provides a tool to aid the configuration process.

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3) Mobility Talks

  1. 1000 ways to die in mobile OAUTH 

    The talk is a presentation of the in-depth study to demistify  OAuth for mobile application developers. The presenter pinpoint the key portions in each OAuth protocol flow that are security critical, but are confusing or unspecified for mobile application developers, they then also show several representative cases to concretely explain how real implementations fell into these pitfalls.

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  2. Bad for enterprise - Attacking BYOD Enterprise mobile security solution

    This interesting talk takes a new look at the Enterprise mobility security (EMS) solutions by highlighting the risks posed by the EMS solutions itself on the organizations. Vincent Tan attempts attack on several EMS protected apps on Mobile devices ( Jail-broken & Non-Jailbroken) proving such solutions ineffective and vulnerable. He also demonstrate how one can disable tampering detection mechanisms and application locks, intercept & decrypt encrypted data, and route "secure" HTTP requests through BURP into established Good VPN tunnels to attack servers on an organization's internal network using his Swizzler exploit tool.

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4) Other Interesting talks

  1. Breaking payment point of interaction

    This talks exposes the risk of approaching security from the point of view of Just managing standards. Often the organizations, especially in the payment processing sector, tend to neglect some security risks or don't pay attention to the minute security details which renders them vulnerable to any skilled attackers. Nir Valtman and Patrick Watson discusses the methods to bypass protections put in place by point of interaction(POI) devices. In this presentation, they explain the main flaws and provide live demonstrations of several weaknesses on a widely used pinpad.

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  2. Using an expanded cyber kill chain model to increase attack resiliency

    This talk builds on the traditional cyber kill chain model and in shows that how it is not sufficient in the current security challenges. Sean Malone explores an expanded model including the internal kill chain and target manipulation kill chain. he also discusses multiple type of controls that one can implement today in an enterprise to frustrate the adversary plan at each stage.

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  3. Breaking hardware enforced security with hypervisors

    Joseph Sharkey in his presentation shows the vulnerability in intel much talked about Hardware enforced security.  He attempts to capture keys from intel's AES-NI instructions and bypass Intel Trusted Execution Environment (TXT) DRTM (dynamic root of trust measurement) through a hypervisor rootkit.

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5) Want More Comprehensive Analysis? Register for SACON Goa !

Our Team along with some of the Top BlackHat and Defcon Speakers will present their analysis of the Top Talks at SACON Goa. Meet Matt Suiche, Paul Wright, Kenneth Bradberry, Reinhold Wochner etc...and learn more . Click Here To Register


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