Top 8 CyberSecurity Predictions for 2016

Thought leaders within the IT community are beginning to view cybersecurity not just as part and parcel of the everyday cost of doing business, but as an enabler, a direct driver of business continuity and bottom line growth. This shift in perception has begun to have a dramatic impact on the position and role of security within organizations, from a view of “security means you can’t…” to “security means you can.” Over the past year, fences, walls and moats have become outdated as the ROI of security takes priority with a focus on measuring detection, responding to legislation and the automation of remediation, patch management and minimizing dwell time of an attacker. While a lot has changed in 2015, the speed of security means there’s only more to come. These are Raytheon|Websense Security Labs™’ predictions for 2016.

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( Read more: Security Technology Implementation Report- Annual CISO Survey )


The Top 8 Predictions for 2016:

  • The U.S. elections cycle will drive significant themed attacks
  • Mobile wallets and new payment technologies will introduce additional opportunities for credit card theft and fraud
  • The addition of the gTLD system will provide new opportunities for attackers
  • Cybersecurity insurers will create a more definitive actuarial model of risk – changing how security is defined and implemented
  • DTP adoption will dramatically increase in more mainstream companies
  • Forgotten ongoing maintenance will become a major problem for defenders as maintenance costs rise, manageability falls and manpower is limited
  • The Internet Of Things will help (and hurt) us all
  • Societal views of privacy will evolve, with great impact to defenders

( Read more: Checklist to Evaluate A Cloud Based WAF Vendor )


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