Your Guide to Multi-Layered Web Security - All Articles - CISO Platform

Your Guide to Multi-Layered Web Security

Why Read This Report

The data center perimeter is dead. But its memory lives on in the way many IT departments continue to secure their infrastructure. The meteoric rise of the Internet brought with it an ever-changing landscape of new attacks and completely disrupted organizations’ old models of guarding their IT infrastructure. Previously, information assets that needed protection all resided in a fortress that IT controlled, namely a secured data center. Attacks typically came from outside the data center’s four walls or from insiders abusing their privileges. Companies placed protections, such as
firewalls, at the border crossings and guarded against inside attacks through strict roles and access privileges.

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Websites and applications, however, increasingly live outside the data center in the cloud. How can you protect a perimeter that no longer exists? First, you need to understand which of your assets are most at risk and determine your company’s tolerance for risk. Then you need to manage that risk by extending security controls to the cloud and by guarding against the types of attacks that occur over the Internet.This guide will detail the threats common to websites and web applications and what you can do to mitigate them.

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Table Of Contents

  • A multi-layered approach to securing web application
  • How to choose a solution?
  • Common web application vulnerabilities
  • How to address Common web application vulnerabilities

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  • Excellent guide.

    Worth reading.

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