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Session Brief

Includes basic IoT security key components, hyper scale, key players, key security functions, functional aspects of IoT Security, Access control, network segments & more

About Speaker

Arnab Chattopadhayay, Senior-Director, Capgemini

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Session Brief

This is a joint initiative by TiE & CISO Platform. It explains IoT Security Challenges, Complexity and Introduces some ways of solving it (a fresh approach)

About Speaker

Arvind Tiwary - Chair, IoT Forum & Bikash Barai - Co-Founder

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Session Brief

This includes Mobile App Development - Attack Surface, Data authentication & App protection challenges, iOS & Android protection measures & more

About Speaker

Srinath Venkataramani, Director-Development, Symantec

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Session Brief

Includes fundamentals of connected cars, ECU (Electronic Control Unit) & types, Controlled Area Network (CAN) Protocol, On-Board Diagnostics, Components Of Connected Cars

About Speaker

Aditya Kakrania, Security Innovation

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Session Brief

Includes fundamental understanding of threat hunting, process, plan and execution, tools & techniques, resources to learn, DNS Tunnelling, Webshells & more

About Speaker

Shomiron Das Gupta, Founder, Netmonastery

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Session Brief

Includes threat hunting platform drivers, hunting styles, hunting maturity model (HMM), hunting strategy, data domains, data diversity, toolset diversity, kill chain, hunting process, data type & location, analytic technique, beacon,

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Session Brief

Includes Threat Modeling Basics, Approach, Purpose, Threat Vs Vulnerability, STRDE Framework, Threat Rating, Risk Analysis Model, DREAD, Countermeasures & more

About Speaker

Abhishek Datta - Head Of Technology, Appsecco

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Session Brief

Includes Architectural Methodologies, Major frameworks - Zachman & SABSA, challenges, CP - SSM, Key Elements, Threat Repository, NIST CSF & more

About Speaker

Bikash Barai is the co-founder of FireCompass, an AI assistant for IT Sec

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Session Brief

It includes Google Beyond Corp principles, Beyond Corp Architecture Components, Types Of Data, Data Processing Flow, Correlation, Exceptions, Deployment, 3rd party systems, Challenges & more

About Speaker

Arnab Chattopadhayay, Senio

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Session Brief

Dynamic, high-velocity DevOps production environments deliver impressive results to enterprises. Security Teams now need to catch-up and be effective immediately. This 4-hour lab, on Security Automation for DevOps teaches ways improve

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Session Brief

Adaptive Network Protocol (ANP) allows systems to share events with each other. When one system sees a threat, they all see it and can respond in a coordinated fashion. Your network can, quite literally, respond to a threat all on its

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Session Brief

Have you ever wanted to investigate a Windows and/or Linux breach but could not justify the 8 lakh rupees in software? This workshop will introduce attendees to Windows and Linux forensics using 100% free and open source software. Py

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Session Brief

Includes understanding IaaS, threats & risks of cloud computing, securing IaaS platforms, securing IaaS instances

About Speaker

Moshe Ferber is a renowned cloud security expert, frequent speaker at Defcon, BlackHat, RSA Conference &

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