CISO Platform Talks on "Offensive Security: Breach Stories to Defense Using Offense" - CISO Webinars - CISO Platform

CISO Platform Talks on "Offensive Security: Breach Stories to Defense Using Offense"

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Join us for an exclusive CISO Platform Talks session on "Offensive Security: Breach Stories to Defense Using Offense" featuring Saravanakumar Ramaiah,  Director - Technology Risk Management, Sutherland and Rajiv Nandwani, Global Information Security Director, BCG. Key Discussion Points:

  • Leveraging penetration testing and red team exercises to identify security gaps within organizations.
  • Techniques attackers use in phishing campaigns to gain initial access and navigate networks to access sensitive data.
  • Simulating advanced persistent threats (APTs) to understand risks from zero-day vulnerabilities and social engineering attacks.
  • Examining the role of social engineering in physical penetration testing and methods to strengthen defenses against it.

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